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organska jaja

Organic chicken eggs follow the USDA organic certification guidelines, and will have the USDA seal on the carton. Like free-range hens, these hens must have daily outdoor access in an area covered with natural vegetation. However, more stringently, the vegetation cannot have been treated with chemical pesticides. Their feed and bedding (straw) must be wholly organic, i.e., free of chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. They cannot be given any antibiotics or hormones. Should a hen require antibiotics for medical reasons, it cannot be returned to an organic flock. Once the eggs are laid, no artificial coloring or vitamins are added. Thus, the yolks can be paler in color. However, the flavor is much more vibrant. Learn more about organic eggs.

  • Deel van toespraak: noun
  • Synoniem(en):
  • Blossary:
  • Industrie/Domein: Food (other)
  • Category: Eggs
  • Company:
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Industrie/Domein: Natural environment Category: Water


A chemical that is toxic to microrganisms. Biocides are often used to eliminate bacteria and other single-cell organisms from water.