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ISO standards
Commercial quality standards for a variety of industries developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Industry: Quality management
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ISO standards
ISO 2076:1999
Quality management; ISO standards
Textiel — Synthetische of kunstmatige vezels. Generic namen.
ISO 2094:1999
Quality management; ISO standards
Bindgaren — bepaling van dikte verlies onder dynamisch laden.
ISO 2039-1:2003
Quality management; ISO standards
Kunststoffen-Bepaling van de hardheid. Bal inspringing methode.
Quality management; ISO standards
Bepaling van de Rockwell hardheid — Rockwell hardheid. Rockwell hardheid.
ISO 2060:1995
Quality management; ISO standards
Textiel — Garen van pakketten. Bepaling van de lineaire dichtheid (massa per eenheid lengte) door de streng methode.
ISO 2061:1996
Quality management; ISO standards
Textiel — Bepaling van twist in garens. Directe methode tellen.