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Christianity is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, whom adherents believe to be the son of God. According to Christianity Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity phophesied in the Old Testament.

Contributors in Christianity



Religion; Christianity

Een heilige lied; een poëtische compositie voor gebruik in de lof of aanbidding van God.

Want zij weten niet wat doen

Religion; Christianity

Vader, vergeef hen, want zij weten niet wat ze doen...


Religion; Christianity

(Greek mitra, "turban"). Liturgical headdress of a bishop. In the Eastern Church it resembles a crown similar in form to that worn by Byzantine Emperors. In the Western Church it is shield-shaped and ...


Religion; Christianity

The word used in English translations of the Bible for both the Hebrew Sheol (the place of the departed) and the Greek Gehenna (the place of punishment for the wicked after death). In Christian ...


Religion; Christianity

(Greek, "follower"). A lay person, usually a child or young adult, who assist ministers in worship services.


Religion; Christianity

A penalty imposed by the Catholic Church prohibiting a person from receiving or administering sacraments or holding church office.


Religion; Christianity

The practice of bestowing an office or patronage on one's relatives. It was especially rampant among 16th-century popes, and was condemned by Pope Pius V in the bull "Admonet Nos" (1567).

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