National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Industry: Government
Number of terms: 30456
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
A nerve cell; a specialized cell that can react to stimuli and transmit impulses. A neuron consists of a cell body which contains the nucleus; dendrites, which are usually short sensory branches off the cell body that receive incoming impulses; and a single, long axon which carries impulses away from the body (motor function) and to the next neuron, gland or muscle.
Industry:Natural environment
A technique for separating different types of molecules based on their patterns of movement in an electrical field.
Industry:Natural environment
A nerve ending, cell, or group of cells specialized to sense or receive light.
Industry:Natural environment
A gaseous molecule that contains three oxygen atoms (O3), instead of the usual two (O2). Ozone can exist either high in the atmosphere (stratosphere), where it shields the Earth against harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun, or close to the ground (troposhere), where it is the main component of smog. Ground-level ozone is a product of reactions involving hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight. Ozone is a potent irritant that causes lung damage and a variety of respiratory problems.
Industry:Natural environment
A molecule that is capable of reacting with free radicals and neutralizing them; a compound that slows the rate of oxidation reactions.
Industry:Natural environment
All the DNA contained in an organism or a cell, which includes both the chromosomes within the nucleus and the DNA in mitochondria.
Industry:Natural environment
Метал, като специфично тегло 5.0 или по-голяма. Тежките метали са токсични за организми в сравнително ниски концентрации и са склонни да се натрупват в хранителната. Примерите включват арсен, кадмий, хром, олово и живак.
Industry:Natural environment
Областта на биологията съответните времето на биологични събития, особено повтарящи се или циклични явления в отделните организми.
Industry:Natural environment
Носенето далеч от земя повърхност естествено от вятъра или водата, но често е интензивно от човека на земята изчистване практики. Балотаж е вредно за коралови рифове.
Industry:Natural environment
Един организъм, който съдържа отрова в неговите тъкани, които могат да бъдат опасни, ако организмът се поглъща.
Industry:Natural environment