Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.
Industry: Aviation
Number of terms: 16387
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc. (ASA) develops and markets aviation supplies, software, and books for pilots, flight instructors, flight engineers, airline professionals, air traffic controllers, flight attendants, aviation technicians and enthusiasts. Established in 1947, ASA also provides ...
Precipitation from a cumuliform cloud. Showers are characterized by the suddenness of beginning and ending, by the rapid change of intensity, and usually by the rapid change in the appearance of the sky. Showery precipitation may be in the form of rain, ice pellets, or snow.
Precipitation of very small, white, opaque grains of ice, similar in structure to snow crystals. The grains are fairly flat or elongated with diameters generally less than 0.04 inch (1 mm).
Precise taxi instructions given to a pilot unfamiliar with the airport or issued in stages as the aircraft proceeds along the taxi route.
Preferential routes are adapted in ARTCC computers to accomplish inter/intrafacility controller coordination and to assure that flight data is posted at the proper control positions. Locations having a need for these specific inbound and outbound routes normally publish such routes in local facility bulletins, and their use by pilots minimizes flight plan route amendments. When the workload or traffic situation permits, controllers normally provide radar vectors or assign requested routes to minimize circuitous routing. Preferential routes are usually confined to one ARTCCs area and are referred to by the following names or acronyms: * Preferential departure route (PDR). * Preferential arrival route (PAR). * Preferential departure and arrival route (PDAR).
Pressure measured relative to zero pressure, or a vacuum. Absolute pressure is measured with a barometer, and in aviation usage is often expressed in inches of mercury. Manifold pressure in a reciprocating engine is an example of an absolute pressure.
Pressure produced when a moving fluid is stopped.
Pressure produced when moving air is stopped. Ram air pressure is the same as pitot pressure.
Pressure referenced from the existing atmospheric pressure. Engine oil pressure and hydraulic pressure are normally measured as gage pressure. If gage pressure is measured in pounds per square inch, it is spoken of as so many psig. Two other commonly used types of pressure are differential pressure (psid), which is the difference between two pressures, and absolute pressure (psia), which is referenced from zero pressure (a vacuum).
Pressure resulting when moving air is stopped. Impact pressure picked up by a pitot tube is called pitot pressure.
Prevailing visibility as determined from an airport control tower.