Category: Entertainment
Created by: stanley soerianto
Number of Blossarys: 107
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The three Golden Goddesses (Din, Farore and Nayru) are responsible for the creation of Hyrule, as well as the creation of the Triforce, which houses a fraction of their divine power. Din is the ...
The Great Deku Tree is considered the "Father of the Forest"; he first appears in Ocarina of Time, where he is charged with watching over the Kokiri, a childlike race of forest spirits that ...
The Happy Mask Salesman (お面屋 Omen'ya?, Mask Shop Owner) is a mysterious man who specialises in masks, which Link can use for different purposes. He is almost always happy, with few exceptions. He ...
Impa is a caretaker to Princess Zelda. There are many incarnations of the character named Impa throughout the Zelda series, just as there are multiple incarnations of Link and Zelda. As with Link and ...
Kaepora Gaebora is a wise owl who guides Link throughout various games in the series. One of the Gossip Stones in Ocarina of Time (found in the Sacred Forest Meadow) says he is the reincarnation of ...
King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule is the last king of Hyrule in The Wind Waker. To meet with Link, he remotely operates the King of Red Lions, a talking boat, using magic. By the end of the game, the King ...
Linebeck first appears in Phantom Hourglass as one of the main characters who helps Link save the World of the Ocean King from Bellum. He provides transport for Link in his ship, the S. S. Linebeck, ...